Friday, October 29, 2010

Please, Don't Make Me Go Back

Hylinn asked me to go to the Halloween store in the mall to look for a piece for his Halloween costume. Normally it would be no big deal, in and out no time to browse, but I had no idea where the Halloween store was at our mall... Curse you mall gods!

The seasonal stores at our mall move around depending on which spaces are empty at the time, it also turns out that our mall ditches Halloween at least a week before it actually rolls around. I found no sign of a Halloween store, but I did find a Christmas store.

But this isn't about the severe lack of Halloween support shown by our mall, this is about my severe lack of willpower! Despite the fact that I didn't find a Halloween store I did leave the mall with stuff. I would have left with more if I didn't already feel guilty.

I would have left with this shirt.

So sparkly! And this sweater, I can never own enough sweaters.

Both from J.Crew for like a hundred billion dollars.

Please don't make me go back, I don't think I'll be as strong next time. It's bad enough I have the internet and can comprehend buying this everyday.

Or this.

Both from Free People, for 11 billion monies.
Curse you willpower!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


We dressed up for our pub quiz night on Wednesday.

Hylinn dressed up as The Scout, from Team Fortress 2.

He won nerdiest costume. :}


I went as a jester. We took these after we got home, so my face paint is all smudged.

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*Yay, messy apartment.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Reason #24

Reason #24 that I love fall.

Pumpkin carving parties! It was actually more like a get-together and less of a party, but I'm still going to call it a party.

There was inappropriate pumpkins.

Twisty pumpkins.

Pumpkin kisses.

Scary pumpkins.

Lots of pumpkin carving.

Delicious pizza.

And of course the finished products.

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These numbers are completely arbitrary, I don't actually have a list, but by the end of the year I might have one.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Reason #76

Reason #76 that I love fall.


Socks. Socks. Socks. Socks. Leggings. Tights. Anything that covers up my chilly legs and also happens to look amazing is a winner.

So what did I happen to find through the most awesome and amazing Celia, but the best store in the world Hansel from Basel. A story devoted to only selling socks, tights and bags. Does it get any better? Oh maybe that Celia pooped a unicorn!

Now I have to go decide if I should be smart and buy one or just go crazy and buy twelve!



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P.S. It never fails, I don't shave for two days and wear shorts and then the moment I do shave I throw on tights and pants, like "don't you dare look at legs sir!"

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Rain Rain

It is very very rainy here today. I'm very excited, I love rainy days. They give me the excuse to be lazy.

Normally I feel bad if I just hang out doing a whole bunch of nothing, but when it's rainy it's ok.


Appropriately enough here's a list of rainy day activities* for those of you who aren't lazy, or are backwards and want to get stuff done on rainy days. Craziness.

I'll be doing a lot of #4 minus the slippers. I lounge in a sweatshirt and stockings. And maybe a little of #8.


*via Cup of Jo

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I'm declaring this the best commercial ever. Handsdown. Forever.

Until the next great panda commercial.

Via Celia

Monday, October 11, 2010


We got home from Pennsylvania last night, it was an awesome weekend.

The wedding was so much fun. I love weddings. It's also nice to see more of Hylinn's family and straighten out who is who. I can never remember. True to form I forgot to tell Hylinn to take a picture of me so I'll have him do that tonight. I got a wicked scrap on my elbow...I'll have Hylinn take a picture of that too. I actually tried to take a picture of it and ended up getting a picture of my crotch instead. So I'll spare you and let someone else do the for reals picture taking around here.

I've been not so hot with the picture taking recently. Want to know why?! This is why:

The most bitchenest spider.

We actually drove up on him in the middle of him spinning his web. It was so sweet. So I took a million pictures of him or her. I can never tell with spiders. I'm going with him, he seemed pretty masculine.

I spent along time watching him and then even longer this morning trying to move him off Hylinn's motorcycle* and then watching him again climb up a tree I put him on. He was so cool.

*Good thing Laura doesn't read this or she'd know Hylinn has a motorcycle. Shhh!
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I think this post contained the first full paragraphs I've ever posted on here.

+10 points.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Discoveries abound!

1. When I give myself a deadline I purposefully sabotage it.

2. I am completely inept at taking pictures of myself.

So with that in mind here's the pictures!

It's a zipper!

Upside down.

I know, kinda poop, but I'm wearing it this weekend so I'll have Hylinn take some pictures.
I think that will work the best.

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I haven't installed Photoshop or Lightroom yet on my computer.

So I can't see any of my pictures yet cause I need Camera RAW....

Setting up a computer again is exhausting.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

All Better

After much love and affection, an organ replacement and electronic therapy, my computer lives!

Unfortunately I've gotten so used to using Hylinn's computer that despite the fact that my computer is glowing with healthy vibrance, I've been ignoring it for the stability I've associated with Hylinn's computer.

I'm sorry dear computer.

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I haven't forgotten! Here are some pictures of the dress I made.

Here's some of the fabric in the middle of being sewn together.

Here's a close up of my sweet ass stitching.

A footnote to this, when I get involved in a project I like I run with it. Thusly I almost completely forgot to take pictures as I did this. So it's hardly a step-by-step, but a rough idea of what I did to get to the place where I could wear all the fabric I brought home.

I'll have a picture tomorrow of me wearing the dress, as well as a picture of the shorts and hoodie I made.
