Saturday: Avalon Cliffs
Ok to be honest I fell in love with the name, which is mainly why I picked it to visit. But it ended up being really beautiful too!
It's also located on preserved habitat. And the man who showed us around was so nice and funny, it made me want to sign the contract before we were halfway through the tour, but that would have been reckless, so I resisted.
But our guest list which was already pushing the limits for this pretty wedding location, is now far and away what this place can hold.
So we waved good-bye to Mr. Awesome-spiffy-home-owner-man (I think that was his official title) and left, sad, but excited for tomorrow.
Sunday: Engedi Estates and Shade Trees and Evergreens
Our first stop was at the very tip top of Maryland so close to Pennsylvania you would think just by looking around we had already made it there. Our destination a place called Engedi Estates situated in the most amazingly remote farmland.
And this was by far my most favorite location! A big open field, lots of trees and river down an embankment, a beautiful blank canvas to work with. Our one concern is of course rain, if I can help it I don't want tents, but I also don't want our guests eating in the rain if it happens...
And just like Avalon, it's privately owned Mrs. Super-nice-incredibly-helpful-woman. Both of her daughters had gotten married on the property already, so she had more advice and general know-how than I knew what to do with.
Before long it was time to go, so we waved good-bye and drove a surprisingly short distance to our final stop of the weekend!
Shade Trees and Evergreens is a working nursery and landscaping company and I guess wedding location company as well. The woman we worked with was so great, she managed to keep up with my sporadic phones calls claiming we were going to be thirty minutes late and didn't bat an eye when we showed up fifteen minutes early.
This is the place that Hylinn decided he liked best, the best of both worlds a tent (which is actually and old green house roof) and it's outside.
And look at the pretty pond! This place is so pretty and it manages to be both indoors and out! It's also half of our budget... do we try and make it work or just let it go? Did I mention it comes with tables and chairs? So we've managed to go from no options to too many all in one day. Oh woe is us! Though who can turn down a view like this from your dance floor?
Although you'd be focusing more on the pond than that white support beam, not that the support beam isn't beautiful! Or that carrot shaped tree right behind it! I like them both.
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